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Employee experience

Employee empowerment is vital to CX success

Employee empowerment is vital to CX success The Age of the Customer. Customer Obsession. Customer Centricity. Whatever you want to call it, we know that this day and age companies must deliver experiences that truly meet customers’ ever-increasing expectations. We sometimes forget, though, that it’s not the “company” delivering the experience to the customer, it’s […]

Employee empowerment is vital to CX success
Employee experience

Successful launch of a continuous listening program

Successful launch of a continuous listening program I read recently an interesting report from Corporate Research Forum (CRF) headlined Harnessing the HR Technology Revolution. Even though the findings and conclusions in the report mainly refer to technology used by HR more broadly, such as HR, Talent and Workforce Management systems, it is astonishing how well they […]

Successful launch of a continuous listening program
Employee experience

Communication is the power behind success

Communication is the power behind success The role of a CEO is a multi-faceted one at the best of times. There are always hundreds of decisions vying for your attention, and all of them are critical to the person raising them. In the current environment, everything is magnified. Small challenges can become big issues, and […]

Communication is the power behind success