Only Forsta Knows
Learn with Forsta experts
Our instructor-led onboarding programs are conducted completely by in-house Forsta experts. No third parties, just 100% Forsta expertise delivering a hybrid, hands-on approach so you can start leveraging Forsta capabilities sooner.
Search for a topic, or browse our instructor-led courses below.

Learn at your own pace
E-learning is human
Forsta e-learning covers a wide range of topics offered in short tutorial videos focused on tasks you need to get your job done.
Access our e-learning course catalog below and search for a topic, or browse the course tiles.
Maximize your potential
Get certified on the Forsta HX Platform
With the Forsta HX Platform certification program, you’re equipped to deliver insights that drive action and improve business performance. Learn the ins and outs of the platform to design and implement best-in-class research or CX studies.

Never on your own
Learner paths guide you
Our goal at Forsta is to make learning a human experience. We’re here for you: from onboarding and beyond, whether you’re new to Forsta products, or you and your team want to extend your learning journey.
“The initial training was excellent. We actually still have folders of hand-written notes from training that we refer to when particular situations arise.” Today, the AcuPOLL team remains in close contact with Forsta through onboarding and training new hires and providing support when they’re looking for a quick answer.”
Beth Lutz, Director of Innovation, AcuPOLL