Go from data collection to collaborations
You have to do it all: gather data, analyze it, draw out insights for various stakeholders.
Our system can do it all, too. It has the combined talents of plenty of other pieces of software, which makes it a loyal friend to insight leads (and popular with finance departments).

Make your time go further
In an ideal world, you’d be given plenty of time to crunch numbers. In the real world, you’re expected to field a dozen research questions. All from different departments. All at the same time.
When you’re under that much pressure, you can’t wait around. So we built our platform to carry out several analyses at once. Monitor the results as they come through.
How Forsta will win over
your stakeholders
Listen in
Bring all your data together. Tune in to the buzz on different channels and devices. And follow the activity on each of your customer journeys – end to end.
Dig deep
Carry out complicated statistical analysis without leaving our platform. Process rich data. And come to clear conclusions.
Inform decision-makers
Design reports that are crammed with insights. And send them to stakeholders automatically, every month or quarter.
Tell stories
Distil reams of data into high-impact infographics. Create from templates, or build bespoke.
“When I learned that Forsta could work directly on respondent-level data, I felt like I found the golden ticket. With Forsta, we have improved our research offerings to better meet clients’ needs – at a time when the market really demanded that change. Today, as we experience continued success in traditional markets and rapidly enter new ones, I look back at our decision to use Forsta as one of the key factors.”
Jayne Krahn, VP Product & Research Operations, Kantar Media