Home Resource Library Webinar Why qualitative wins: The future of Human Experience insights

Why qualitative wins: The future of Human Experience insights

The modern world is enthralled with metrics, big data and the power of large numbers.

But analytics and measurement will only get you so far. Without the right technology and tools, all you have are data points.

Truly human-centric organizations thrive by embracing empathy, understanding context, and listening to the stories of the people they serve.

Qualitative research in general and focus groups, in particular, unlock these powerful insights, and it’s more important than ever.

Watch this webinar to learn about the key technology trends that are shaping the demand for qualitative research.

Led by industry expert Mike Stevens, you’ll learn:

  1. What’s behind the growing appetite for qualitative research
  2. How in-house and agency researchers are adopting new qualitative methods and the technology underpinning these tactics
  3. How customer, user and employee experience teams approach qualitative research
  4. Where the next wave of qualitative growth is coming from – and how to get ahead of it


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