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Online qualitative: Ten activities to understand your customer

We know that delivering high-quality, relevant customer experiences that resonate on an emotional and rational level leads to increased customer satisfaction or retention, new innovations, and increased sales. In fact, in a Harvard Business Review Analytical Services study, sponsored by Forsta, 98% of senior business leaders believe understanding customers is crucial to creating a relevant customer experience, but only 23% say they understand very well why their customers act the way they do.

Similarly, in a Forrester Consulting study, commissioned by Forsta, 93% of companies agree that customers are more likely to spend money with a brand they feel connected to. But only 38% strongly agree they know why one customer chooses to buy from their brand while another doesn’t.


Believe understanding customers is crucial to creating relevant customer experiences.


Say they understand very well why their customers act the way they do.


Of companies agree that customers are more likely to spend money with a brand that they feel connected to.


But only 38% of companies strongly agree they know why one customer chooses to buy from their brand while another doesn’t.

The same Forrester Consulting study showed that both how a customer thinks and feels drives business outcomes, such as purchase, loyalty, and advocacy, but how they feel has 1.5 times more impact on that outcome.

In short, emotions matter.

But how can you uncover emotions through research?

Forsta allows you to deep dive into your customers’ lives and uncover behaviors and emotions.


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