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Data hub for market research

Get your data singing in harmony

No more silos and data slipping into the void. Our centralized data hub brings all your sources together, so your data syncs, links and turns into insights you can use.

Bringing it together

Multiple sources can pump data into our data hub. Survey data, advertising spend, sales, social media and much more can be mapped to reports and easily analyzed as one data set. The data hub continuously monitors mapped data sources and reflects any changes, automatically. So you’ll always have real-time data available for reports and analysis, without having to manually update.

Keep your contacts close

Keep a central set of contacts that is automatically synced as they add data to a survey. Each contact has a unique key to identify them.

Stay out of the spam

Don’t overload your employees, customers or participants. Easily set up rules to determine how often you contact them. Stay the right side of communicative.

Key features

Feature-rich, data repository

Combine multiple data sources into a single database for easy mapping, real-time synchronization and analysis.

Centralized contact database

Monitor contacts across different sources in one place.

Email frequency control

Don’t spam, control frequency of communication easily.


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