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Social listening booster

Amplify the unheard truth in local reviews

Social listening booster

Your customers are talking about you everywhere. But are you listening?

Are your survey response rates falling off a cliff in certain locations?

Do you know what the difference is between each of your local markets?

And how to maximize each one’s potential?

Can you tell which offline experiences are affecting your customer’s online reviews and social opinions on your brand?

With Forsta you can:

  1. Understand and enable great customer experience across digital and physical customer touch points.
  2. Drive the right strategic improvements by identifying changes timely.
  3. Reduce your operational blind spots by understanding all customer conversations.
  4. Improve store traffic conversion and build stronger relationships with your local customers.
  5. Enhance local brand perception and reputation by serving your local community’s needs.
  6. Go head-to-head with your competition and improve your share of wallet.

How it works

  1. Listen to all conversations: All your customer reviews will be pulled in from multiple locations – Google, Facebook, or Yelp – and presented to you in one place.
  2. Understand at scale: With all the reviews in one place, you can leverage Forsta’s emotion and sentiment detection capabilities to better understand customer feedback and unlock the drivers impacting your customers’ offline experiences.
  3. Activate your organization: Use our reporting capabilities to visualize key experience drivers, assess your organization’s competitive performance and engage the right stakeholders to address the blind spots preventing you from delivering the best experiences.
  4. Empower and inspire actions: Utilize easily configured workflows to alert your local employees to take action on what matters most to your customers and drive closed-loop learnings at scale

You’ll also get

Customized services and support to fine tune your program with custom models, reports, social media analytics and much more.

Check out our full range of HX Catalysts

HX Catalysts are bespoke technology and services modules that accelerate your CX program for maximum business impact


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