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HX catalysts

Digital Excellence

Turn digital journeys into real-time insights.

Digital Excellence

Ask the right questions, at the right time.

Are you missing key steps on customers’ digital journey?

Do you really know how they feel in the moments that matter?

Can you survey across all your channels?

Forsta’s Digital Excellence gives you the power to manage and improve your customers’ experience across all digital channels – website or mobile. So you can create a holistic Human Experience (HX) for all your customers.

With Forsta you can

  1. Collect rich, real-time, actionable feedback from customers at any stage of their journey and combine direct feedback with behavioral insights.
  2. Accurately survey your website visitors and app users to learn how you can improve their experience.
  3. Activate all channels by easily combining your digital feedback with other data to share ideas and tailor cross-channel experiences.
  4. Enhance customer engagement and prioritize optimizations that have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction.

How it works

  • Digital Feedback for your website & mobile web: Launch highly targeted intercept surveys that work on any device (desktop or mobile). Easily define conditions to trigger surveys at any point in the customer journey.
  • SDK for your mobile app: Our mobile SDK lets you easily embed intercept surveys within your mobile apps. We’ve designed this SDK to be fast, easy, flexible, and lightweight with minimal impact on your existing app.

Check out our full range of HX Catalysts

HX Catalysts are bespoke technology and services modules that accelerate your CX program for maximum business impact.

Get in touch with the Forsta team to learn more.


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