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Closer to customers. Ahead of competitors. 

Tools used

  • Multi-mode survey design  
  • Real time touch-point level reporting 
  • Issue resolution alerts 
  • Expert feedback consultation 

For AIG, getting an edge on competitors meant bridging the gap between company and customer. With Forsta in its corner, the insurance giant built a vast, powerful program that listened to customers, and fueled the business with their feedback.

The challenge

One step removed from customers 

Back in 2005, AIG only heard from its customers second-hand. That meant big business calls were being made on gut feelings and educated guesses. But AIG knew that on the other side of every policy was a person. If it could just hear what they had to say, it could serve them better, and steal a march on its rivals. 

“Since we started working with the Forsta team, the growth of our customer feedback program has been rather remarkable — it’s a living, breathing, evolving program. It delivers the information we need to create better customer experiences across business areas, and has positively supported our efforts to retain existing customers.”

Candy Michael,
VP of Customer Feedback, AIG

Our solution

A top-to-tail Enterprise Feedback Management system 

We started small: sending surveys out to life insurance customers. Then, things got bigger. Soon, we’d helped AIG build a feedback program that spanned almost every inch of its business. Working with Forsta’s expert feedback consultants, AIG could now monitor customers at different touch points and in real time. People across the business could access the data they needed (and not the data they didn’t), putting customer happiness on everyone’s agenda. 

The results

Better for customers. Better for business. 

AIG stopped guessing and started listening. Which meant decisions based on real feedback from real people. And those decisions made things work better. One example: customer calls. They used to get answered by machines. But Forsta’s system revealed that people hated the automated system so much they hung up on it. That meant a long, winding, and wasteful road to solving customers’ problems. AIG switched the robots for real reps with the right expertise to help customers help themselves. The result? Customers were happier, and costs were lower. 

  • Smarter budgeting based on customer feedback 
  • Better processes for keeping customers, and keeping them happy 
  • New business opportunities unlocked by survey outreach 
  • A competitive edge, gained through a reputation for great customer service 

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